If it was not for the coronavirus COVID-19, this site would not be back up again. 

It was already the second week of the semi-lockdown, when things didn't feel right. I didn't know what to expect.

It went so fast and then one day everything just turned upside down. Countries were closing their borders, flights were cancelled, people were stuck on the other side of the world and I have to say it felt horrible. 

We were supposed to travel and were supposed to welcome family from the UK; and then everything was slowly cancelled and there were many measures for the people to respect; stay at home, wash your hands, social distancing. 

Everyday we tried to follow the news and saw all those horrible events all over the world, it almost broke my heart. I had so many "What-ifs"; "When" and "How could this possibly be"....

Questions were raised and I felt that the only thing to release those emotions was to write it down…

Here I am again, just wanting to share with you anything and hoping with this simple sharing of some good thoughts we will be able to get out from this on the other side - successfully and also healthily 

I am not an expert on these events, but I do love to write my thoughts and enjoy reading from you too. 

So welcome and you may learn more about me later… Enjoy ya buggers!